Our Philosophy
Following the constant strive of the modern people for healthy life and natural beauty, together with the current trends for development of environmentally friendly cosmetics, the company’s philosophy is built and based on general principles.
The Company
- Established in 1992 with 100% private capital
- in 1994 – starts with a series of toothpastes, own products
- Since 1996, a R & D department has been established
- In 1997 the factory was built – own production base in Ihtiman (45 km from Sofia)
- Very dynamic developing over a short period of time: more than 70 own products, including 3 product lines and more than 10 prophylactic toothpastes
- Previuos names of the company: MildexLtd.(1992-2004), KrasnayaLiniyaBulgaria Ltd. (2004-2012)
- From 2012 “Bilka Lifestyle” Ltd.
Certification / Quality assurance
- The company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and follows the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice for Cosmetic Products in accordance with BDS EN ISO 22716: 2008 (GMP).
- The products are produced in accordance with European regulation 1223/2009. They are sold freely in Bulgaria and the European Community without any restrictions
Innovations and patents
- The first Bulgarian toothpaste according to homeopathic treatment, co-developed with doctors homeopaths in Bulgaria.
- Herbal toothpaste with patented combined herbal extract with proven antibacterial action.
- Toothpaste for complex oral hygiene and prophylaxis of periodontium and mouthwash for complex protection of the periodontium with a combined extract of medicinal herbs.
- Herbal tonic for hair with action against hair loss.
- Anti age cosmetic line with the unique Bulgarian grape variety Mavrud.
- Children’s homeopathic mouthwash – no mint, no fluorine, no sugar.
- BilkaDent Gingival Care Innovative series for oral hygiene for complex care and effective prevention of whole-body health, thanks to a patented biologically active formula.
- Cosmetic lines with a modern vision and exceptionally high-quality products, based on the highest grade Bulgarian organic rose and lavender water, as well as natural rose and organic lavender oil.
- Innovative product in the Intimate Hygiene category – Bilka Collection Intimo Care Intimate Foam Wash COTTON with cotton and aloe vera, awarded with a prize.
- We create a unique collection of high quality cosmetic products, which we truly like and believe in!
- We carefully select all the ingredients, aiming at efficiency and expected result through balance and harmonic synergy between the unique qualities of the Bulgarian natural ingredients and the latest advances of the high technology!
- We are responsible and don’t allow compromises, granting our consumers high and stable quality of the manufactured products, providing tight control and strict compliance with the requirements and the GMP!
- We try to offer to the Bulgarian consumers high quality modern and efficient cosmetic products at a reasonable and affordable price!
- We do not conduct animal testing! Products’ clinical tests are conducted by volunteers – employees and consumers-fans of the brand under strict medical supervision!
- We build a society of supporters by initiating and supporting meaningful, reasonable and moral social causes which have a positive impact on the health, education and consciousness of the society or its individual members.
Our motto is:
Keeping and developing the natural beauty through maximally using the unique properties and the variety which the Bulgarian nature and the modern science offer us!
Our Brands
Beauty Factory
Where we create the Bilka products?
We present our “Beauty Factory” where we create and produce products in which we ourselves believe, like and use with pleasure! In the last years we have worked hard. We invested funds and have made many effort to cover all European requirements and standards for that production to look clean, tidy and sterile. We are proud of our new purchased equipment for homogenization, upgraded lines for packaging, dosing, filling, closing and labeling of products and the renovated buildings, which achieved thanks to projects implemented by European programs. All of this give us the opportunity to satisfy requirements of the most demanding customers.
The yard is our special place where we can rest and take care for growing beautiful roses, fruit trees, lavender …
We believe that when you put all your soul and love what do, the result is guaranteed – the products are wonderful and customers – happy!
And for the team of “Bilka Lifestyle” this is the most important!
Bilka Lifestyle Magazine
AXXON BULGARIA Jsc. Official distributor for Bulgaria
1360 Sofia 14а Georgi Karaslavov Str.
Phone: (+359 2) 8 191 000
Mobile: (+359 899) 123 200
e-mail: info.center@axxon-bg.com
Дистрибутор за Русия
Импортер/Уполномоченный представитель изготовителя:
ООО «ВИЛЛА БАКЛАН», 143005, Московская обл.,
г. Одинцово, ул. Вокзальная, 53, лит. Б.14, пом.1
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